fredag 19. desember 2008

-De brenner bare bibler nå, ikke oversettere

Les dette om oversetteren Bruce Metzger som døde i fjor. Han var en konservativ fyr, døde 93 år gammel og en av de virkelig store. Var en av de 5 i komiteen som fastsetter den greske teksten for NT. Har lest flere avhandlinger av ham (tungt stoff).... Les om studenten som besøkte hans kontor i Princeton:

During our conversation, he showed me an urn in his office. I was curious as to what was in it; bizarre notions flashed through my head. He said, "This urn contains the ashes of a Revised Standard Version Bible." Metzger had been on the translation committee for the RSV, and a zealous fundamentalist preacher torched the Bible from the pulpit one Sunday, declaring it the work of the devil. He then sent the ashes to the committee chairman. Metzger became the chairman of the committee for the NRSV (published in 1990) and was bequeathed the urn and ashes. He commented sadly, "Isn't it a tragedy what people sometimes do to the Word of God!" Then, with keen wit (something I would learn over the years was vintage Metzger) he quipped, "I'm so glad to be a translator in the 20th century. They only burn Bibles now, not the translators!" I left his office in awe of this great man who obviously loved the Lord and loved the Bible.