fredag 2. november 2007

The Apostle -en annerledes film

Filmen Apostelen er en av de filmene som har gjort mest inntrykk på meg. Filmen handler om pinsemenighetene i sørstatene og flere av opptakene er nærmest autentiske. Robert Duvall hadde regi, hovedrolle og finansierte hele filmen. Han nektet også å klippe den ned. Han var på møtene i Holiness church og la merke til deres liv og hvordan de uttryket seg.

Les interjuet med Robert Duvall....

What does Duvall think of southern Christianity and revivalist preachers in general? He has a fascination for them which began more than thirty years ago when he visited a Holiness church in the small town of Hughes, Arkansas. He says that he was intrigued by the cadence, rhythms and honest faith he witnessed in the songs and tent-meetings there. For Duvall, these revivalist tent-meetings are "an important part of American culture." The preaching is "a distinct American art-form."

"The best preacher I ever met," says Duvall, "was a 96 year-old black man from a little church in Hamilton, Virginia. He seemed to me more spiritual than the Dalai Lama or Mahatma Gandhi. This guy was great. He had a great cadence of preaching, a great honesty." Duvall invited a Jewish film-director friend and his Catholic wife to hear him preach. "It was terrific," Duvall recounts. "The director told me a year and a half later that he could never get the preacher entirely out of his mind. He was that impressive."

Her er åpningssekvensen i filmen:

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