torsdag 8. november 2007

Jobben til Lonnie

Søkte på nettet og kom inn på asylmotaket hvor Lonnie Haye jobber. Morsomt å lese. Tror Norge har mye å lære av hvordan de gjør det i England. Her hjemme later vi som religion ikke finns....

The statistics for religious affiliation show the largest group to be Christian (70%) with Islam next at (10%). We also have Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu and once had a Zoroastrian (the ancient religion of Persia/Iran). In fact, my weekly statistics have headings which begin with Agnostic and end with Zoroastrian. The most unusual religion encountered was a lady from a remote mountain area of Georgia (in former USSR) whose people were Sun worshippers --- In the course of an average week I see the Muslim Imam or Sisterhood members issuing headscarves and prayer mats to new arrivals; or our Hindu visitor ensuring the Hindu Mundir (shrine) in the World-Faiths room is kept clean and the offerings of fruit, incense and sweets refreshed; or, Pastor Lonnie Haye, our Pentecostal minister, playing a jazzy version of Amazing Grace on the digital piano to the delight of the crowded chapel. In February we hosted the Venerable Miao Gang, a Buddhist nun from the Fo Guang Temple in London, and six members of their lay community for the installation and blessing of our Buddhist shrine.